If you own a dog, you probably know how much they like to go on a walk. They force you up early in the morning and make you take them to the walk. Well, it is the only time they get to spend time with their owner so it is quite obvious that they get excited to go to the walk. This dog in the video below is quite the same. He is extremely happy whenever dad says they are going for a walk. But you won’t believe his reaction.
This dog’s name is Tyson and he is one hell of a dog. He couldn’t keep his feet on the floor when dad said they are going for a walk. He was probably hoping that dad would take him on a walk, but still waited for the confirmation. But when dad said “are you ready for a walk?” Tyson jumped as high as he could and made his way to the door.
Isn’t that hilarious? Watch this video and let us know your thoughts in the comments!
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