Poor Tiger Was Abused His Entire Life. When He Is Finally Rescued, Watch His Reaction!05:18

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This video features the rescue story of an abused tiger named Hoover. Hoover spent almost his entire life in the small cage where he was abused and made to do the tricks that he absolutely did not want to. He belonged to a circus which used punishments and abuse to train the animals. Poor Hoover had to go through pain in daily basis and had to live in a tiny cage.

Fortunately, his circus was raided and the rescuers from Animal Defenders International rescued Hoover. Hoover used to be one of the 12 tigers in his group, but he is the sole survivor. Now, Hoover lives a peaceful life in Big Cat Rescue in Florida. As releasing him to the wild would be dangerous, he is being taken care of in this sanctuary.

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